Index filme anul 1998, cu litera "R"
- R.E.M. (1998)
- R.I.P. (Rest in Peace) (1998)
- Rabbits (1998)
- Rabies (1998)
- Rabszolgatartók (1998)
- Rabu retâ (1998)
- Racconti dall'oltretomba (1998)
- Race Against Fear (1998)
- Race for Atlantis (1998)
- Race for the Record (1998)
- Racer (1998)
- Rache (1998)
- Rache (1998)
- Rache (1998)
- Rache für mein totes Kind (1998)
- Rachel Leigh's First (1998)
- Radar Benny/Battleship/Severed Digit/Photo Op (1998)
- Raddem (1998)
- Radiance (1998)
- Radical Justice (1998)
- Radiée (1998)
- Radio Active (1998)
- Radio Freak Hazelnut/Framed (1998)
- Radio On Remix (1998)
- Radio Silence (1998)
- Radioactive Crotchman 2 (1998)
- Radiofreccia (1998)
- Radiogeschichten (1998)
- Radiohead: 7 Television Commercials (1998)
- Rafaël (1998)
- Ragazzi de' borgata (1998)
- Rage (1998)
- Rage (1998)
- Rage: Dark Reign II (1998)
- Raghs-e-khak (1998)
- Raging Bulls (1998)
- Raging Cory (1998)
- Raging Marlon (1998)
- Raging River: The Ultimate Rush (1998)
- Raging Storm (1998)
- Raging teens (1998)
- Ragnarok: Part 2 (1998)
- Raibaru Gekitotsu, Saidai Pinchi (1998)
- Raíces poco profundas (1998)
- Raid Gauloises: Race Across Ecuador (1998)
- Raid on Osirak (1998)
- Raider in Canada: Portrait of Sean Martin (1998)
- Raiders of the Lost Banana (1998)
- Railway Coolie (1998)
- Rain 1949Rain 1949 (1998)
- Rain of Terror (1998)
- Rain, Drizzle, and Fog (1998)
- Rainbows of Hawai'i (1998)
- Rainwoman 12: The New Reign! (1998)
- Rainwoman 13 (1998)
- Raise the Dead (1998)
- Raising Dil/No Naps (1998)
- Raising Heck (1998)
- Raising the Heights (1998)
- Raja Melewar (1998)
- Rajatapaus (1998)
- Rak awk baep mai dai (1998)
- Rakka suru yugata (1998)
- Rakuen (1998)
- Rakuen eno hashi (1998)
- Ramadhan in Indonesia (1998)
- Ramesses the Great (1998)
- Ramon Novarro (1998)
- Ramone P.I. (1998)
- Ran an den Speck (1998)
- Ranch Hands (1998)
- Random Encounter (1998)
- Randy Financial Advisor (1998)
- Rane (1998)
- Rangée des voitures (1998)
- Rangers Gone Psycho (1998)
- Rangoli (1998)
- Raphael's Proposal (1998)
- Rapto sangriento (1998)
- Raptores (1998)
- Rasen (1998)
- Rash to Judgment (1998)
- Rashomowgli (1998)
- Raskrsce (1998)
- Rasta La Vista (1998)
- Rasuto dansu wa watashi ni (1998)
- Rat (1998)
- Rat Bastard (1998)
- Rat Trap (1998)
- Ratas (1998)
- Ratcatcher (1998)
- Ratten (1998)
- Ratten unter uns (1998)
- Raumschiff Highlander IV: History (1998)
- Raunch Lunch (1998)
- Rave On (1998)
- Raven Roped (1998)
- Raw Data (1998)
- Raw Images from the Optic Cross (1998)
- Raw Meat (1998)
- Raw Sex 5 (1998)
- Ray Gun Fun (1998)
- Raymundo Sesma. Este lado (1998)
- Rayudu (1998)
- Raza indomable (1998)
- Razor Blade Smile (1998)
- Re-Union (1998)
- Reach the Rock (1998)
- Reaction Stick (1998)
- Read Bi All (1998)
- Reader's Digest: Nature's Symphony (1998)
- Ready for Blast-Off (1998)
- Ready or Not (1998)
- Ready, Steady, Cock! 2 (1998)
- Ready... Aim... Fong! (1998)
- Real Doll/Confessions of a Go-Go Girl/Dan Savage (1998)
- Real Hero (1998)
- Real Men Eat Meat (1998)
- Real Sex 19 (1998)
- Real Sex 21 (1998)
- Real Sex Magazine 11 (1998)
- Real Sex Magazine 13 (1998)
- Real Story (1998)
- Real Woman (1998)
- Real World/Road Rules Challenge (1998)
- Reality Setting In (1998)
- Realitywarp (1998)
- Really Oldies But Goodies (1998)
- Really, Really Big Shoo (1998)
- Realm of the Great White Bear (1998)
- Reap the Whirlwind (1998)
- Reaper (1998)
- Reaper Madness (1998)
- Rear Window (1998)
- Rear Windows '98 (1998)
- Reason Thirteen (1998)
- Reasonably Scary Monsters (1998)
- Reasons of the Heart (1998)
- Reasons to Believe (1998)
- Rebecca's Dog (1998)
- Rebecca's Secret (1998)
- Rebel Without a Licence (1998)
- Rebel Without Night Driving Privileges (1998)
- Reborn (1998)
- Rebound (1998)
- Rebound (1998)
- Receta de cocina (1998)
- Recipe for Learning (1998)
- Recipe for Revenge (1998)
- Recipe for Sex (1998)
- Recipe for Success (1998)
- Reckless (1998)
- Reckless: The Movie (1998)
- Recoil (1998)
- Recording Studio (1998)
- Recording Studio Bondagettes (1998)
- Récréations (1998)
- Recuerdo y responsabilidad (1998)
- Recuerdos (1998)
- Recycled (1998)
- Recycled Wonders (1998)
- Red Alert (1998)
- Red City (1998)
- Red Hand Luke (1998)
- Red Herrings (1998)
- Red Hot Honeyz (1998)
- Red House (1998)
- Red Indian (1998)
- Red Lion Breaks Loose! (1998)
- Red Powder (1998)
- Red Rock Jarod (1998)
- Red Snapper (1998)
- Red Sonja (1998)
- Red Storm (1998)
- Red Tape (1998)
- Red Vibe Diaries: Dark Desires (1998)
- Red with Envy (1998)
- Red, Hot & Safe (1998)
- Red, Red Wine (1998)
- Red, White & Yellow (1998)
- Redeeming Love (1998)
- Redemption (1998)
- Reducing Stanley (1998)
- Redwood (1998)
- Reel to Reel (1998)
- Reencuentro con el pasado (1998)
- Reflection in the Eye of a Dead Fish (1998)
- Reflections /I (1998)
- Reflections on Ice: Michelle Kwan Skates to the Music of Disney's 'Mulan' (1998)
- Reflexus (1998)
- Refuge (1998)
- Regarding Catlett (1998)
- Reggie McFadden (1998)
- Regis Philbin: Made for TV (1998)
- Regnmaleren (1998)
- Regreso sangriento (1998)
- Regret Me Nots (1998)
- Regret to Inform (1998)
- Regrets (1998)
- Reigning Cats of San Francisco (1998)
- Rein Check (1998)
- Reinbô doroppu (1998)
- Reinforcements (1998)
- Reingelegt (1998)
- Reise in die Nacht (1998)
- Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen (1998)
- Reivindicación retrospectiva del cine en los países del este de Europa durante la década de los sesenta o recreo megalomaníaco de un caricato egocéntrico sexy (1998)
- Rektha Sakshikal Zindabad (1998)
- Relationship Problems (1998)
- Relative Strangers (1998)
- Relativity Theory (1998)
- Relax... It's Just Sex (1998)
- Release (1998)
- Reliable Witnesses (1998)
- Religiões (Para Acabar de Vez Com a Herman Enciclopédia) (1998)
- Religion (1998)
- Reluctant Angel (1998)
- Rem Saverem (1998)
- Remake (1998)
- Remedies (1998)
- Remedios de Cuba: Scuba Drive (1998)
- Remember (1998)
- Remember This (1998)
- Remember? (1998)
- Remembering Anne Frank (1998)
- Remembering Elvis (1998)
- Remembering Irving Klaw, Part 2 (1998)
- Remembering Sex (1998)
- Remembrance (1998)
- Remue-méninges (1998)
- Ren rou cha shao bao II: Tian shu di mie (1998)
- Rencontre à New York (1998)
- Rencontres (1998)
- Rencontres avec les baleines du Saint-Laurent (1998)
- Render Unto Caesar (1998)
- Rendezvous (1998)
- Rendezvous mit dem Tod (1998)
- Rendezvous Nowhere (1998)
- Rendezvous: The Garden Gate Bed and Breakfast (1998)
- René Goscinny: Profession humoriste (1998)
- Renee (1998)
- Renegade Force (1998)
- Renegade TV Gets Dazed (1998)
- Renewal (1998)
- Renford Rejects (1998)
- Renn, Oma, renn! (1998)
- Rennlauf (1998)
- Reno Finds Her Mom (1998)
- Rent (1998)
- Repentance (1998)
- Repligator (1998)
- Reptiles of the Deep: Turtles (1998)
- Requiem (1998)
- Requiem for a Lightweight (1998)
- Requiem pour un décor (1998)
- Rescue (1998)
- Rescue Me (1998)
- Rescuers: Stories of Courage: Two Couples (1998)
- Rescuers: Stories of Courage: Two Families (1998)
- Research (1998)
- Research Alpha (1998)
- Reshape (1998)
- Resonancias (1998)
- Respect (1998)
- Respekt og ære (1998)
- Restaurant (1998)
- Resting Place (1998)
- Restless (1998)
- Restless Mary Beth (1998)
- Restons Groupes (1998)
- Restoration (1998)
- Restrained Assistant (1998)
- Resultado final (1998)
- Resultados inmediatos (1998)
- Resurrection (1998)
- Resurrection (1998)
- Resurrection Man (1998)
- Resurrection: Part One (1998)
- Resurrection: Part Two (1998)
- Retired, Still Working (1998)
- Retour à Alep (1998)
- Retrato de familia: Videocarta (1998)
- Retrato de la Habana (1998)
- Retratos E Borboleta (1998)
- Retreat, But No Surrender (1998)
- Retribution (1998)
- Retribution (1998)
- Retribution in the Year 2050 (1998)
- Retribution: Part 1: Unsinkable Carmen Sandiego (1998)
- Retribution: Part 2: In Memoriam (1998)
- Retribution: Part 3: Maelstrom's Revenge (1998)
- Retribution: Part Two (1998)
- Retro vtroyem (1998)
- Retrospect (1998)
- Return (1998)
- Return of Crumb (1998)
- Return of the Body Language, 4 (1998)
- Return of the Hermanator (1998)
- Return of the Yellow Shadow (1998)
- Return to China (1998)
- Return to Cold Lairs: Part 1 (1998)
- Return to Cold Lairs: Part 2 (1998)
- Return to Normandy (1998)
- Return to Paradise (1998)
- Return to Rome (1998)
- Return to the Wild (1998)
- Return to Zenn-La (1998)
- Return with Honor (1998)
- Returning to Ngu Thuy (1998)
- Reünie (1998)
- Reunion (1998)
- Reunion (1998)
- Reunion (1998)
- Reunions (1998)
- Reuse and Recycle It (1998)
- Rêve d'enfant (1998)
- Revelations (1998)
- Revelations (1998)
- Revelations (1998)
- Revenge Games (1998)
- Revenge of the Yellow Shadow (1998)
- Revenge, Inc. (1998)
- Revisionism (1998)
- Revisited (1998)
- Revoir Julie (1998)
- Revolutionary Weasel (1998)
- Rewind (1998)
- Rex & Red (1998)
- Rex the Runt (1998)
- Rhapsody in Bloom (1998)
- Rhinos (1998)
- Rhyme and Reason (1998)
- Ricardo Franco: reencuentro (1998)
- Rice (1998)
- Rice & Potatoes (1998)
- Rich Kids Bad, Poor Kids Good (1998)
- Rich No More (1998)
- Richard Lester! (1998)
- Riches, belles, etc. (1998)
- Richie's Song (1998)
- Richmond, Surrey (1998)
- Richter: The Enigma (1998)
- Rickshaw (1998)
- Ricochet (1998)
- Riddle of the Zodiac (1998)
- Riddled with Bullets (1998)
- Riddler's Moon (1998)
- Ride (1998)
- Rider igjen (1998)
- Riding High (1998)
- Riding the Tiger: The Hong Kong Handover Years 2 (1998)
- Riding with James Dean (1998)
- Right Hand Woman (1998)
- Right Here in River City: The Making of Meredith Willson's 'The Music Man' (1998)
- Right My Fire (1998)
- Rights from the Heart: Part 3 (1998)
- Rijles (1998)
- Ring Around the Piggy (1998)
- Ring of Fire (1998)
- Ringing Up Baby (1998)
- Ringmaster (1998)
- Ringu (1998)
- Rio Ghosto (1998)
- Ripe Cherry Cheerleaders (1998)
- Ripe Vol. 1 (1998)
- Risk: Yelling in the Face of Life (1998)
- Risky Business (1998)
- Risky Business: Employee Violence in the Workplace (1998)
- Ristiinnaulittu vapaus (1998)
- Rita Brice (1998)
- Rita Hayworth (1998)
- Rita Lee: Acústico MTV (1998)
- Rita Storm viharos élete (1998)
- Rite of Overpass (1998)
- Rite of Passage (1998)
- Ritornare a volare (1998)
- Ritratto di Harold Pinter (1998)
- Ritual de lo habitual (1998)
- Ritual of Evil (1998)
- Rituals (1998)
- Rituals (1998)
- Rivalen (1998)
- River Red (1998)
- River Wild; Man in White; New Jersey Lake; Twister Survival; 1,000 Men and a Baby (1998)
- Rivers of Babylon (1998)
- Rivers of Joy (1998)
- Rivièra hotel (1998)
- Ri¢hie Ri¢h's Christmas Wish (1998)
- Road Rage (1998)
- Road Rage: Part One (1998)
- Road Rage: Part Two (1998)
- Road Rayge (1998)
- Road to Albertane (1998)
- Road to Palermo (1998)
- Road to the Pokemon League (1998)
- Road Trip (1998)
- Road Warriors: The Brotherhood of Bikers (1998)
- Robbie the Rabbit (1998)
- Robbie Williams: Live in Your Living Room (1998)
- Robert Benchley and the Knights of the Algonquin (1998)
- Robert F. Kennedy: A Memoir (1998)
- Robert Rauschenberg: Making It Big (1998)
- Robert Wyatt: Little Red Robin Hood (1998)
- Roberta (1998)
- Roberte's dans (1998)
- Robin (1998)
- Robin des mers (1998)
- Robin Hood (1998)
- Robinville (1998)
- Robo Racer (1998)
- Robo Rumble (1998)
- Robo Rumble (1998)
- Robocop Strikes Back (1998)
- RoboCop: Alpha Commando (1998)
- Robodog (1998)
- Robopop (1998)
- Robots Rising (1998)
- Rocco e i magnifici 7 (1998)
- Rocco Never Dies I (1998)
- Rocco Never Dies II (1998)
- Rock & Roll Ears (1998)
- Rock & Roll Ears/The Bucket/The Bridesmaid/Voice from the Grave/The Chess Game (1998)
- Rock & Roll Moments (1998)
- Rock 'N' Jock Super Bowl II (1998)
- Rock 'n' Roll Altitude (1998)
- Rock and Roll Classics (1998)
- Rock and Roll Dreams (1998)
- Rock and Roll Punk (1998)
- Rock and Ruin (1998)
- Rock Babylon (1998)
- Rock Bottom (1998)
- Rock og jul (1998)
- Rock the Boat (1998)
- Rockets (1998)
- Rocki Roads' Wet Dreams (1998)
- Rocks Off with Motley Crue (1998)
- Rocky Road to the Playoffs (1998)
- Rodelinda (1998)
- Rodeo de medianoche 2 (1998)
- Rodeo sadoru (1998)
- RODS: The Smoking Gun Evidence! (1998)
- Rödvin, cigaretter, Jesus och ännu en film om boxning (1998)
- Roe vs. Roe: Baptism by Fire (1998)
- Roger (1998)
- Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods (1998)
- Roger Miller Remembered (1998)
- Roger Roger (1998)
- Rogue Males (1998)
- Rogue Satellite (1998)
- Rojo sobre blanco (1998)
- Rokon! Breeder Confrontation! (1998)
- Role Play (1998)
- Rolf i skottlinjen (1998)
- Rolie Polie Olie (1998)
- Rolie Polie Pogo/Two Not So Easy Pieces/Gotta Dance (1998)
- Roll (1998)
- Roll the Camera (1998)
- Roll Top Desk - Part 1 (1998)
- Roll Top Desk - Part 2 (1998)
- Rollenspiel (1998)
- Rollerblading (1998)
- Roma Downey/Missy 'Misdemeanor' Elliott (1998)
- Roman Danylo: Roman Times (1998)
- Romance del cumbanchero (1998)
- Romancing the Throne (1998)
- Romania versus Cheng (1998)
- Rome's Eternal Wonders (1998)
- Rome's Glorious Cities (1998)
- Rome's Lost Harbor (1998)
- Romeo & J'Leeta (1998)
- Romeo - Secret Love (1998)
- Romeo Is Bleeding (1998)
- Romeo Thinks Again (1998)
- Romeo und Julia am Traunsee (1998)
- Rommel's Enigma (1998)
- Ron James: Up & Down in Shaky Town - One Man's Journey Through The California Dream (1998)
- Ronin (1998)
- Ronnie Edwards: The Cosmic Comic (1998)
- Roodkapje (1998)
- Roof (1998)
- Rooferman, Take One (1998)
- Rookie Cookies (1998)
- Room Service (1998)
- Room to Manoeuvre (1998)
- Room with a View (1998)
- Room with a View (1998)
- Roomservice (1998)
- Roosters (1998)
- Roots and Wings (1998)
- Rop stoletja (1998)
- Roppyaku-oku dabudoru no otoko (1998)
- Rosa Parks: Mother of a Movement (1998)
- Rosas, sueños de metal y poesía (1998)
- Rose (1998)
- Rose Bernd (1998)
- Rose e pistole (1998)
- Rosebud (1998)
- Rosen für Nadja (1998)
- Rosenzweigs Freiheit (1998)
- Rosie (1998)
- Rosinha, Minha Sereia (1998)
- Rosita gives hugs (1998)
- Ross' IQ (1998)
- Rossiya seks-krizis (1998)
- Rostov Luanda (1998)
- Rostov-Luanda (1998)
- Rot ist eine schöne Farbe (1998)
- Rot wie das Blut (1998)
- Rote Karte (1998)
- Rotte Cora (1998)
- Rotten Apple: Part 1 (1998)
- Rotten Apple: Part 2 (1998)
- Rouge et mimosa (1998)
- Rough and Ready (1998)
- Rough Draft (1998)
- Roulez Relax (1998)
- Round and Round (1998)
- Rounders (1998)
- Route 2 (1998)
- Route 31 (1998)
- Route 4 (1998)
- Route 66 (1998)
- Route 66: Return to the Road with Martin Milner (1998)
- Route 9 (1998)
- Royal Heist (1998)
- Royal Palms (1998)
- Royal Rumble (1998)
- Royal Tournament 1998 (1998)
- Royals (1998)
- Roz and the Schnoz (1998)
- Roz, a Loan (1998)
- RPM (1998)
- Rrring (1998)
- Rruga pa kthim (1998)
- Rub Love (1998)
- Rubber Gloves (1998)
- Rubber Maids (1998)
- Rubeus Evens the Score (1998)
- Rubeus Strikes Out (1998)
- Ruby Bridges (1998)
- Rückkehr ins Paradies (1998)
- Rückkehrer (1998)
- Rude Awakening (1998)
- Rude Britannia (1998)
- Rudolf Hausner - Malerei und Psychoanalyse (1998)
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie (1998)
- Rudy Will Await Your Foundation (1998)
- Rufino (1998)
- Rugs R Us/Fishin' Hole/Bean Boy/The 13th Floor (1998)
- Ruhsar (1998)
- Ruhsar'in yilbasi hindisi (1998)
- Rules of the Game (1998)
- Rules of the Game (1998)
- Rumi: Poet of the Heart (1998)
- Rummaging (1998)
- Rumor Mill (1998)
- Run Away Home (1998)
- Run Baby Run (1998)
- Run for the Money (1998)
- Run Like the Wind (1998)
- Runaround Sui (1998)
- Runaway Rocketboy (1998)
- Rundt om Panduro (1998)
- Rundtur i kanen (1998)
- Running from Love (1998)
- Running on Empty (1998)
- Running Still (1998)
- Running Wild (1998)
- Running Woman (1998)
- Rupa Gaan Ra Suna Kania (1998)
- Rupan sansei: Honô no kioku Tokyo Crisis (1998)
- Rupert and Shelbourn (1998)
- Rupert and the Assistant (1998)
- Rupert and the Itcher (1998)
- Rupert's Land (1998)
- Ruptura definitiva (1998)
- Rural and Environment (1998)
- Rush Hour (1998)
- Rush to Judgment (1998)
- Rushmore (1998)
- Rushmore Rumble/A Boy and His Bug/You Vegetabelieve It! (1998)
- Ruskin (1998)
- Russian Revolution (1998)
- Russian Riot (1998)
- Russian Roulette (1998)
- Russisches Roulette (1998)
- Rusty and the Boulder (1998)
- Rusty: A Dog's Tale (1998)
- RX for Sex 2 (1998)
- Ryan's Labour Lost (1998)
- Rychlé pohyby ocí (1998)
- Rymd (1998)
- Rythme et bleus (1998)
Filtrează filmele după
criteriile de mai jos:
criteriile de mai jos:
- 2913
- 2115
- 2031
- 2030
- 2029
- 2028
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- 1999
- 1998
- 1997
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- 1993
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- 1963
- 1962
- 1961
- 1960
- 1959
- 1958
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- 1956
- 1955
- 1954
- 1953
- 1952
- 1951
- 1950
- 1949
- 1948
- 1947
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- 1945
- 1944
- 1943
- 1942
- 1941
- 1940
- 1939
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- 1930
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- 1924
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- 1904
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- 1902
- 1901
- 1900
- 1899
- 1897
- 1896
- 1895
- 1894
- 1889
- Mai mult...
- Afganistan
- Africa de Sud
- Albania
- Algeria
- Angola
- Antigua si Barbuda
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Aruba
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Bahamas
- Bangladesh
- Belarus
- Belgia
- Benin
- Bermuda
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Bosnia si Hertegovina
- Brazilia
- Brunei Darussalam
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Cehia
- Chad
- Chile
- China
- Cipru
- Coasta de Fildes
- Columbia
- Congo (Zair)
- Coreea de Nord
- Coreea de Sud
- Costa Rica
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Danemarca
- Djibuti
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- Egipt
- Elvetia
- Emiratele Arabe
- Estonia
- Etiopia
- Filipine
- Finlanda
- Franta
- Gabon
- Georgia
- Germania
- Ghana
- Grecia
- Guatemala
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guineea
- Haiti
- Hong Kong
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- Indonezia
- Iordania
- Irak
- Iran
- Irlanda
- Islanda
- Israel
- Italia
- Jamaica
- Japonia
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- Kenia
- Kosovo
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Laos
- Lebanon
- Letonia
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- Luxemburg
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- Malaiezia
- Mali
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- Mauritius
- Mexic
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- Myanmar
- Namibia
- Nepal
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- Niger
- Norvegia
- Noua Zeelanda
- Olanda
- Pakistan
- Palestinian Territories
- Panama
- Papua Noua Guinee
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Polonia
- Portugalia
- Puerto Rico
- Qatar
- Réunion
- Romania
- Rusia
- Rwanda
- Saudi Arabia
- Senegal
- Serbia
- Serbia si Muntenegru
- Singapore
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- Slovenia
- Somalia
- Soviet Union (USSR)
- Spania
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- Sudan
- Suedia
- Syria
- Tailanda
- Taiwan
- Tanzania
- Tunisia
- Turcia
- Ucraina
- Uganda
- Ungaria
- Uruguay
- US Virgin Islands
- Uzbekistan
- Venezuela
- Vietnam
- Yemen
- Yugoslavia
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
- Mai mult...
Filme pe genuri
- Acţiune
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- Aventuri
- Comedie
- Crimă
- Documentar
- Dragoste
- Dramă
- Familie
- Fantastic
- Film noir
- Horror
- Istoric
- Mister
- Muzică
- Muzical
- Război
- Romantic
- Scurt metraj
- SF
- Stand Up
- Thriller
- Western
- Taguri filme
- Taguri stiri
- Arhiva stiri
- Program TV
Premii filme
Filme noi
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- Filme 2024
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- Filme pe DVD
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- Filme româneşti
- Filme indiene
Filme 2025
Index filme
Program cinema
Actori populari
Trailere filme
- The Lady's Companion
- The Studio
- The Last Anniversary
- When Life Gives You Tangerines
- The Twister: Caught in the Storm
- American Manhunt: Osama bin Laden
- Larissa: The Other Side of Anitta
Filme populare
Premiere cinema
În curând la cinema
- Suspended Time
- Grand Tour
- Dogs at the Opera
- Black Bag
- Zăpadă, Ceai și Dragoste III: ...și Noroc
- William Tell
- Julie Keeps Quiet
- Véletlenül írtam egy könyvet
- Queer
- Monsieur Aznavour
- Novocaine
- Snow White
- The Colors Within
- The Nutcracker and the Magic Flute
- Hoții de subiecte
- Cocorico
- A Working Man
- Alexandra
- Les trois fantastiques
- Diamant brut
- Caught by the Tides
- A Minecraft Movie
- The Amateur
- Drop
- Bambi: A Tale of Life in the Woods
- The Proud Princess
- Moon the Panda
- Buzz House: The Movie 2
- Hitpig!
Filme noi în SUA
- The Alto Knights
- Starbright
- The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection
- Until Dawn
- The Legend of Ochi
- The Accountant 2
- Thunderbolts*
- Final Destination: Bloodlines
- Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two
- Lilo & Stitch
- Karate Kid: Legends
- Elio
- How to Train Your Dragon
- 28 Years Later
- M3GAN 2.0
- Naya Legend of the Golden Dolphin
- Jurassic World Rebirth
- Superman
Program TV
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