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Old 18 Nov 2004, 00:44   #1
Join Date: Nov 2003
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O povestioara

It is summer, and I am persuaded to take a continental holiday by two enthusiastic acquaintances. Being a creature of habit, I am accustomed to vacations in the seaside resorts near to my home, but the proposition is put in such a way that I find it hard to make excuses.
We depart, and travel by train to Romania, where, after a series of misadventures, we are all captured by Count Dracula, Prince of Darkness. We are taken in a foul-smelling horse-drawn carriage to his castle, which towers blasphemously above the forests, fingering the torn sky with its crumbling turrets. We are, naturally, rent with terror. It is clear that the Count intends to drink our blood, turning us into undead monsters of the night in the process.
We are imprisoned in once luxurious apartments, overlooking Dracula's estate. It is evident that the twentieth century has not treated our host well. Ominously, he tells us in heavily-accented English that he has been forced to open up large tracts of his estate as a theme park, with log flumes, bowling alleys, rollercoasters, and burger bars, all of which are frequented by Western tourists who know nothing of the old ways.
Our sympathy is tempered by the sure knowledge that the Count intends to suck out our souls with his pointy teeth. We secretly devise a daring plan to flee. We encourage the Count to show us round the theme park, and, as we come to the bowling alley, hurl ourselves down the planks into the skittley darkness. We scramble through wires, pipes, and other obstructions until we find ourselves in an area devoted to crazy golf, where we mingle with the tourists. It is with some relief that we exit through the turnstiles. It is easy from thence to find a hire car, and complete our courageous escape.
Back home in Eastbourne, I wonder if we did the right thing. It infuriates me that Dracula may have needed my soul more than I do.
If I was not me, I would hate me too
Just like you do
I don't need to need you
Tell me what to do, tell me what to say
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Old 19 Nov 2004, 10:34   #2
Join Date: Feb 2003
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:lol: .da,ase e....trist,da' asa e.
de unde e chestiuta asta,Korben?
absolutely, mr president, absolutely

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Old 19 Nov 2004, 19:41   #3
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daca nu se bloca pc-ul puneam si linku ca eun site plin....
da asa tre sa intreb pe careva care m`a trimes acoilo
scuze d ortografie
an un deget disfunctional si nici timp sa corectez nu am
If I was not me, I would hate me too
Just like you do
I don't need to need you
Tell me what to do, tell me what to say
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Old 19 Nov 2004, 23:02   #4
Dead Man Walking
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da... am citi si eu acuma... mi-a placut.
...but in fact, do we need souls for ourselves, or is it something to give-away?
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Old 27 Nov 2004, 19:39   #5
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Ai doua vaci. Vinzi una si cumperi un taur. Cireada se inmulteste iar economia prospera. Le vinzi si iesi la pensie cu castigul.

Ai doua vaci. Vinzi trei dintre ele companiei tale listate public, folosind scrisori de credit deschise de cumnatul tau la banca, apoi executi un schimb datorie/creanta cu o oferta generala asociata,astfel incat recapeti cele patru vaci, cu o scutire de taxe pentru cinci vaci.
Drepturile asupra celor sase vaci sunt transferate, printr-un intermediar catre o companie din Insulele Cayman, detinuta in secret de actionarul majoritar, care revinde companiei tale drepturile pentru toate cele sapte vaci. Conform raportului anual, compania detine opt vaci, cu o optiune pentru inca una.
Vinzi o vaca pentru a cumpara un presedinte al SUA, ceea ce te lasa cu noua vaci. Nu se furnizeaza nici o foaie de bilant impreuna cu comunicatul.
Publicul inghite.

Ai doua vaci. Vinzi una si fortezi pe cealalta sa produca lapte pentru patru. Esti surprins cand vaca moare.

Ai doua vaci. Faci greva pentru ca doresti sa ai trei vaci.

Ai doua vaci. Le reproiectezi astfel incat sa fie de zece ori mai mici decat o vaca obisnuita si sa produca de douazeci de ori mai mult lapte.
Apoi creezi imagini animate inteligente ale vacii, numite Cowkemon si le promo-vezi la scara globala.

Ai doua vaci. Le reproiectezi astfel incat sa traiasca 100 de ani, sa manance o data pe luna si sa se mulga singure.

Ai doua vaci. Amandoua sunt nebune.

Ai doua vaci, dar nu stii unde sunt. Pleci in pauza de pranz.

Ai doua vaci. Le numeri si afli ca ai 5 vaci. Le numeri din nou si afli ca ai 42 de vaci. Le numeri din nou si afli ca ai 12 vaci. Te opresti din numarat vaci si deschizi alta sticla de vodca.

Ai 5000 de vaci, dintre care nici una nu-ti apartine. Facturezi celorlalti cheltuieli de depozitare.

Ai doua vaci. Te inchini la ele.

Ai doua vaci. Ai 300 de oameni care le mulg. Declari somaj zero, productivitate bovina inalta si arestezi reporterul care a publicat cifrele.

Ai 6 vaci, costuri cat de 10, mulgi doar 3, alergi bezmetic printre ele, mai aduci personal pentru alte 5, dai faliment si dai vina pe bou.
"Adevarul sufera, daca e analizat prea mult".
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Old 21 Dec 2004, 11:52   #6
The Space Cowboy
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Originally Posted by KORBEN:
daca nu se bloca pc-ul puneam si linku ca eun site plin....

Eu inca astept link-ul....
"I'm gonna kill you untill you die from it"
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Old 22 Dec 2004, 02:09   #7
Join Date: Nov 2003
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minunata comicaraia
m`am stricat dd ras la faza cu italienii si chinezii
am plecat din
din pagina cu celelate situri
navigheaza prin ele, in mod sigur gasesti chestii f misto
mai ales pe no data, care are un fel d chestionar genial :w00t:
If I was not me, I would hate me too
Just like you do
I don't need to need you
Tell me what to do, tell me what to say
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